Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Room 5 are Twittering about...

Room 5 are getting ready to connect to other students around New Zealand in a weekly Twitter chat called #kidsedchatnz.

Check out their blog

Next week's Twitter conversation is: What makes a good teacher? 

Mrs Goodwin and Mrs Turner are very nervous about what Room 5 are going to say, but we know we are going to be respectful digital citizens and that what we publish in the digital world is there forever.

What are some of your ideas of what makes a good teacher?


  1. Well Room 5 has had more great teachers this year than any class I know, so I'm sure you will all have plenty of positive things to tweet about. Personally I think the best teachers are the ones that give spelling tests every day and extra homework for the weekends, I'm sure you all agree.

  2. I think a good teacher would be kind, respectful,
    sporty and enthusiastic.A good teacher would sort out children's problems without being stressed.A good teacher would be well organised and all ready for the week, and make learning fun!

  3. I think teachers need to be patient and have an understanding that we are learning new things all the time, i also think they should bring us lollies and chocolate to school every day!
