Sunday, 25 August 2013

Blue Penguins presented by Luke, Axel, Jaimie and Gina

After Tiritiri Matangi the children researched a bird of their choice and decided to present their findings in the form of a poster.  The children then created a piece of persuasive writing, convincing people to visit Tiriri through the eyes of their bird.


Presenting findings.

1 comment:

  1. Well done my treasures!! I miss you guys so much <3. I am having a great time in North Carolina, but everything is so different! I am looking forward to talking to you all on Skype soon.

    I liked how your poster was set out. It had a simple design and the picture in the middle made it stand out really nicely. Remember what we talked about when you are presenting? Try not to read straight off the page, because then your back is to your audience. Try to speak straight to your audience and just tell them about what you learnt. You had a lot of interesting facts. It sounds like you had a great time at Tiri!

    Talk to you soon,
    Miss Williams
