Thursday, 20 June 2013

Jasmine's Bottlenose Research

Bottlenose Dolphins

Dolphins are well known by their intelligence and their kindness. Their mouths are curved to show their appearance of friendliness, and they can also be trained complex tricks to perform.

Bottlenose Dolphins can swim 18 miles per hour. To breath they swim to the surface for 2-3 every minute. Schools of Dolphins would come to aid an injured Dolphin by bringing it to the closest shore.

Bottlenose Dolphins track their prey through the use of echolocation to find out where the prey is and how big it is. They can make nearly 1,000 clicking noises every second. The sounds they make to find food travels underwater until it meets their prey, then it bounces back to the Dolphin who sent the sound and the Dolphin finds out their prey's location, size and the shape of their prey. When they are feeding, they often eat bottom dwelling fish. They also eat shrimps and squids.

These Dolphins can be found in tropical oceans and other warm waters surrounding the earth. They are scattered around the world in oceans. They avoid the Arctic oceans in the north and also the Antarctic ocean down south, where the water starts to get cold.

Dolphins travel in groups and communicate by squeaks and whistles. They are sometimes spotted following fishing boats in hopes of the fisherman's dinner leftovers. 

Once Dolphins were widely hunted for meat and oil. Today limited Dolphin fishing takes place. They are being threatened because of commercial fishing for other sea animals. They can also become tangled in fishing nets and other fishing equipment, which leads to their death.

Fast Facts about Bottlenose Dolphins:
They are: Mammals
They are: Carnivores
Their size is: 10-14 ft
Their weight is: about 1,000 lbs

Did you know?
Dolphins sleep with one of their eye open and the other closed.
To stop drowning, dolphins keep ½ of their brain awake and the other ½ sleeping so they can continue breathing.


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