Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Down by the Bay

We listened to the song "Down By the Bay" by Raffi. We then wrote our own versions that included nonsense rhymes. Then we created art to show our verse of the song.

First we got our Thinking Skills book and drew a picture of an animal doing something silly that rhymed. Then we got a big piece of white paper and drew our pictures in white chalk. Then we coloured our pictures of our animals in using crayons, leaving the white chalk uncoloured.Then we dyed it with black dye. The dye turned our white chalk lines black.

This is my picture:

Down by the bay
Where the watermelons grow
Back to my home
I dare not go.
For if I do
My mother will say
"Have you ever seen a hog
Kissing a log?"
Down by the bay.

By Fisher


  1. Meadow (Fisher's Sister)16 April 2013 at 21:15

    Great poem Fisher I did one like this too

  2. Jeannette (Fisher's Nana)16 April 2013 at 21:42

    Love your picture Fisher. Awesome pig. Well done Darling.

  3. Hey Fisher, awesome picture, cant wait to have it home, frame it and hang it in the house !!! xx

  4. Sheldon Parnell .17 April 2013 at 23:55

    very very impressive picture,love the colours.well done Fisher.

  5. Hey Fisher, thats an awesome pic !! Love ya mate x

  6. Dylan Fisher's frind18 April 2013 at 01:14

    wow a hog kissing a log crackup it's hilarious nice job.

  7. Funny poem Fisher!I like your rhyme.-Max

  8. Two logs kissing is funny!!!-Reid

  9. Really good work Fisher - cannot wait to read some more - Auntie Jodi

  10. Hey Fisher - the picture is really cool, I liked your explanation of how you created it. - Uncle Michael

  11. Good work Fisher I like the hog and the backround

  12. wow Fisher your down by the by art is interesting and your hog

  13. wow it's interesting Fisher I like the hog kissing a log

  14. fisher that was a realy good peace of artwork. soon you could become popular artest;o)

  15. Hi Fisher, I really like your rhyming sentence and I like yours the best I think.
